Thursday, 24 October 2013

SEX EDUCATION: Top 10 Methods To Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies (MUST READ)

1. Abstinence

Continuous abstinence, or abstaining from sexual intercourse, is the only form of contraception that is 100 percent effective.

2. Condoms
Condoms are arguably the least expensive form of contraception and the easiest to obtain. They also protect couples from sharing some sexually transmitted infections. Condoms are sheaths of thin latex or plastic worn on the erect penis during intercourse. Of 100 women whose partners use condoms, about 15 will become pregnant with typical use (use that is usually but not always correct).

Only two will become pregnant with perfect use. Condoms are widely available at drug and grocery stores, family planning clinics, as well as bathroom vending machines. They are free at most campus health centers and Planned Parenthood health centers.

3. Birth Control Combination Pill, Patch or Ring

These more effective reversible methods of birth control protect 92 of 100 women from becoming pregnant with typical use (use that is usually, but not always correct) Only one or two will become pregnant with perfect use. Pills must be taken every day at the same time, patches are switched weekly and rings are changed monthly. The combination products prevent a woman’s ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation) and thicken the cervical mucus to keep sperm from finding the egg. Commonly used pills include OrthoTri-Cyclen, Loestrin, Seasonale, Yasmin and Orth-Cept.

4. Progestin-Only Pills

There are two basic types of pills; those that contain both estrogen and progestin, and progestin-only pills. The progestin-only pills usually work by thickening the cervical mucus and preventing some ovulation. Women who cannot take estrogen use these pills including those who breastfeed, who smoke and are over 35, who are at risk for cardiovascular disease or who have had blood clots.

5. Depo Provera Shot

Depo Provera, also known as “the shot”, is an injectable progestin-only prescription birth control. It contains no estrogen, and only requires an appointment every three months. With the shot, there is no need to remembera daily pill. The shot is one of the most effective types of reversible contraception, with only three out of every 1,000 women getting pregnant with correct use. The protection is immediate if the shot is taken within the first seven days of your period. The shot prevents ovulation and/or thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from meeting the egg. Since it is estrogen-free, it can be used while breastfeeding, by women over 35 who smoke and by women who have had blood clots.

6. Implanon

Implanon is a small, thin, progestin-only method that is effective for up to three years. A capsule the size of a match is placed under the skin on the upper arm. Implanon prevents ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus. When inserted correctly, Implanon is as effective as sterilization with less than one woman becoming pregnant per 100.

7. Intrauterine Device (IUD).

An IUD, is a small, T-shaped contraceptive made of flexible plastic. It is inserted into the uterus through the cervix. A string is attached that ends in the vagina allowing rapid removal once the woman wishes to conceive. Two types are currently available in the United States; the copper ParaGuard, which provides reversible sterilization for 12 years, and Mirena, which releases a small amount of progestin for five years. They both work by killing sperm in the uterus and prevent fertilization in the fallopian tube. Female physicians in the U.S. and much of the world’s women choose to use the IUD. Less than one in 100 women will become pregnant with an IUD. ParaGuard can also be used as emergency contraception if inserted within 5 days of unprotected sex.

8. Diaphragm

The diaphragm is a shallow, dome-shaped cup with a flexible rim. It fits securely in thevagina to cover the cervix, blocking sperm from entering the uterus. For added protection, spermicide is put in the bowl of the diaphragm before insertion. 15 out of 100 women will become pregnant with typical use before starting their families and 25 of 100 will become pregnant who have already had at least one child through vaginal delivery.

9. Emergency Contraception (EC)

Emergency contraception, or “the morning after pill” prevents pregnancy up to 120 hours unprotected sex. “Morning after” is actually a misnomer-- the pills can be taken immediately after sex or up to five days later. The pill contains progestin that prevents ovulation and/or fertilization. The sooner the better, but if taken within 72 hours, it reduces a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant by 85%. EC will not cause an abortion or interrupt an existing pregnancy.

10. Essure

The Essure procedure is a new form of permanent birth control without an incision. It is an excellent alternative to a tubal ligation. With Essure, a woman can avoid the hospital, recover by the next day and still enjoy the benefit of permanent birth control that is over 99% effective. The doctor uses a miniature camera device to insert two spring-like coils through the cervix into the fallopian tubes. Over the next three months, the body forms an irreversible tissue barrier that prevents sperm from reaching the egg. A confirmation test is then done to ensure that the tubes are completely blocked, and then all other forms of contraception can be discontinued permanently.

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